How Markets Work
The number of managers that can successfully pick stocks are fewer than you’d expect by chance. So, why even play that game? You don’t need to.
Traditional active investment managers strive to beat the market – they rarely succeed. Studies have shown less than 10% of active investment managers consistently outperform the market and when their fees are taken into account that figure falls to less than 1%.
Markets throughout the world have a history of rewarding investors for the capital they provide. Allocating funds to the sections of a market that offer long-term risk and return characteristics is shown to be the most successful way to capture market returns.
So the question is: why continually try and outwit the market when it exists to work for you?
There’s a significant difference between market returns and what the average investor achieves. And there are pointed reasons why the average investor continues to deny themselves those higher market returns:
- Paying high fees
- Focusing on pre-tax returns
- Trying to time the market
- Failing to diversify
- Chasing last year’s winner
At Lettin Wealth we work with the market and focus on what we can control.
Disclosure on services: Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy (including those undertaken or recommended by an advisor), will be profitable or equal any historical performance level(s). No client or prospective client should assume that any such discussion serves as the receipt of, or a substitute for, personalized advice from an advisor, or from any other investment professional. The advisor is neither an attorney nor an accountant, and no portion of the website content should be interpreted as legal, accounting or tax advice.