Your Financial Journey

Your Financial Journey

Who We Help: Our clients are successful people who share one important thing in common, they want to delegate their financial affairs to a trusted advisor.  We serve extraordinary individuals and their families. They are business owners, teachers, architects, artists, athletes, lawyers, engineers, public servants, vineyard owners, engineers, medical professionals, tradesman and tradeswomen, farmers and ranchers. They …

Who We Help:

Our clients are successful people who share one important thing in common, they want to delegate their financial affairs to a trusted advisor. 
We serve extraordinary individuals and their families. They are business owners, teachers, architects, artists, athletes, lawyers, engineers, public servants, vineyard owners, engineers, medical professionals, tradesman and tradeswomen, farmers and ranchers.
They are successful people; many are 45 years and older.

We help people transition from these roles into retirement, quite often we help guide people through the process of selling a business or their homes.
We also help people going through a life transition. The death of a partner, a divorce, a financial windfall. People who are unsure of their next step.
Our clients are not looking to micromanage their investments or personally stay on top of regulatory and technical matters.
Our clients understand the intersection of money and life can present challenges and distractions. Career. Business. Family. Health. All these areas of life are very rewarding but can also present emotional and mental challenges.
Our clients delegate to us so they can focus on what is most important to them.
Your Financial Journey…our advice process:

We have developed a six-step process to help assist our clients through their Financial Journey. Listed here are the six questions. We will delve into each question, one by one in our following Morning Notes.
Your Financial Journey and our advice process:
Don’t ask where am I going but rather, What’s Important to you? Where are you now? What’s getting in your way? How can you improve your future? How much better could your future look? Are you on track?
If you’d like to learn more about how we can help, please email us or give us a call. 
If you’d like to talk about what is most important to you, please contact our office, 503-925-0554.

Do you remember Aesop's Fable, "The Tortoise and the Hare"? The Tortoise (Long-term investing) wins the race. (1:22)

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